I thought some of you may be interested in a day in the life of an airline pilot. There is such a misconception about the lifestyle we live, it's generally comical but sometimes annoying. Anyway, here's a typical day for Matt at work:
Day 1: Be at the airport at 5 am
Fly Charlotte to Washington DC 6 am to 7:13
Fly Washington DC to Philadelphia 8:13 to 9:01
Fly Philadelphia to Richmond, VA 10:25 to 11:38
Fly Richmond, VA to Charlotte 12:25 to 1:33
Fly Charlotte to Lexington, KY 2:25 to 3:35
Once he's in Lexington he goes to the hotel overnight and starts bright and early again the next morning. He rarely flies the same flight twice in one trip, the next day will be completely different than this one. You'll notice he has no more than an hour and a half in between flights (that's break time, btw) for the whole day, almost 12 hours! Oh, and that break time includes the time it takes to get the passengers off and a new set back on, reset all the flight plans, yadda yadda...
So, that's my wonderful husbands work schedule one day last week! He normally flies 4 days at a time (that's three nights in three different cities) with 2-3 days off in between trips! Of course there are always exceptions, shorter trips or more days off but it's just that, an exception.
We're actually in between storms right now. I think I'll take advantage of the lack of lightening and give the Bean his bath. He's all sweaty from the intense amount of screaming he did this afternoon. If anyone knows a good book on how to deal with toddlers tantrums and outbursts I'd love to hear about it!!
How about a picture of the little terror, er, toddler to end the post. Enjoy your evening!
*never mind the crumbs, at least I was eating -Ari*
The picture didn't post. Did you read 1-2-3 Magic? I know you looked at it when I got it. But he's getting closer to 2 which is what the book reccomended to start. He's just testing your limits to see how and when you'll cave. Just be strong and consistent!
Nevermind. The pic loaded after I posted!
He's sucha cutie :)
how cute!!!
It is funny my brother is planning on becoming a pilot now at age 40. Leaving his career as a lawyer. It seems like a rough career choice after reading your post.
Ari is such a cutie! Wish I had some advice on the tantrums. I could use some myself. I feel your pain.
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