Sunday, June 22, 2008

I'm making some changes around here.

I'm working on editing my blog, it's a little boring as is and I think it needs a bit of freshening up. Is that even a word? You get the idea though. Also, you may notice that I made some changes to the comments section. Seems a certain family member of mine was leaving inflammatory comments well after a post had been written making it virtuously impossible for me to respond in a timely manner. Thus the comment moderation. This way I'll know right away if someone has not nice things to say! Please don't shy away from leaving me a comment, I really do love to hear what you all have to say. I truly appreciate the little following I have here, it brightens my day!

Anyway, I hope to make a few more visual changes around here. The problem is that I'm not very literate when it comes to html codes and all that jazz so it may take a while. While I'm at it I will be updating my blogger friends list so if you'd like to be added please leave a link to your blog in my comments section and I'll be happy to!

We're enjoying a lazy Sunday around here. We were considering the Symphony in the Park tonight but the weather is a bit shaky and knowing my luck the sky would open up as soon as we arrive. We'll wait until a Sunday when Matt's home, two heads are better than one when it comes to having Ari out past his bed time! Speaking of bed time I do believe it's time for the Bean's afternoon nap, I shall return!


Michon said...

Glad to hear Ari is alright after his little spill! Poor baby!

Unknown said...

You forgot Ella's daddy! LOL Did you ever hear back from her?

Anonymous said...

LOL, im HTML illiterate too , that is why i paid to have mine beautified ! LOL .... im so happy with it , you will love the feeling when you change it . The little things excite me ! LOL ....

Virginia said...

Did you see the blog template thingie I linked on my blog? It's super easy to do and very cute! (Not that your blog isn't cute anyways.) :)

Glad little dude is ok!