Friday, November 23, 2007

Whew, Too Many Turkeys...

I am exhausted! This has been one crazy week, I'm glad it's finally starting to wind down. Thanksgiving with Matt's parents was incredible!! So good, in fact, that I ate it twice! We had dinner fairly early with Andy and Landon (Matt's step brother and our nephew) so they could hit the road back to Indianapolis. Matt's other step brother, Adam, his wife Tenley and their son Camden came down later that day for a quick visit. I've never met either of the boys, it was so nice to have two days with Landon, he and Ari played together very well since they are only three months apart. He's a total cutie too, I think I took more photos of him than Ari!

Camden and Ari didn't play so well together, Camden was tired and he's five months older and used to playing with bigger babies. It got a little rough and I had to be a "smother" and hold Ari back. It's fine with me though, and it was nice to finally meet my nephew.

My brother happened to be driving right through on his way up to Ohio so he stopped for some dinner (thus my second meal) and ended up staying the night. He'd been driving for twelve hours and was beat. We got up early this morning and hit the road for Dayton. We had brunch with Kenny (my brothers best friend)and Ashley and their son Benjamin before heading to my grandma's.

That's where the fun began! Her house is her house, not exactly meant for babies so it was hard to keep Ari and her things safe. That combined with the eight or so older kids running around and it was a madhouse! Too loud for what Ari is used to which meant no nap and a very cranky little boy. We had to leave very shortly after eating so he could catch a nap in the car. He had a rough evening but is sound asleep in the pack-n-play. Brian is staying with me tonight, we ordered Donato's [YUM] and have devoured nearly the whole pizza in less than 15 minutes!! We're going to watch some tv and catch up on all the events that have passed since I last saw him, it's going to be just like old times!!


Michon said...

You are so lucky to have your family so close.
We sure miss ours at this time of year especially. Happy turkey weekend. :)

erin said...

It must be so nice to judge your family when they have always been there for you as well. You should look at yourself in a mirror and say sorry for talking trash about the your grandmother's house.
She is a wonderful person and would do anything for any one of her grandkids. Her house IS her house and it isn't made for kids but none of her other grandkids got hurt and your their to visit her not her fixing her house for a SHORT VISIT you blessed her with yearly. I was disappointed to hear the comments knowing that i would have given my right arm to be blessed to spend the holidays with her.
Next time you want to say nasty comments that hurt your grandparents you should think twice they want always be around. Enjoy them while you have them,
Your cousin erin