Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Ari~ism's for today.

This little guy, let me tell you. He cracks me UP! Every day it's something new, here are a few from today:

1. As we sit down for breakfast I pour some Yogurt Burst Cheerios on his tray to hold him over until the rest is done; the little stinker picked out every single yougurt one, when they were gone he said "all done". Even though there were tons of plain ones still on his tray.

2. I put him in the crib for his nap this morning, he sang the whole "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" song, said "night night Ari" and fell asleep. *I need to point out that when he sings Twinkle Twinkle he basically repeats the phrase "abbi dabbi" over and over like this "abbi dabbi abbi da, abbi dabbi abbi da" to the tune. It's hilarious!

3. I ask him to blow me a kiss, he makes me kiss HIS hand and says "mwah" waving it around!

4. I ask him if he wants to watch a movie? His response: "Moodie mommy", he walks straight to the DVD player, turns it on and pushes play! He then does a 180 and marches to the sofa, climbs up and scootches all the way back so he can sit up and watch. When the frogs come on he hops down, does the dance then (no joke) hits rewind on the DVD player to watch the scene over again. Too MUCH!!!

5. All day any time he wanted something he marched straight to me and said "thank you" as if saying those words gurantee he gets what he wants! *in his defense, it normally does get him what he wants, who can resist?*

6. I asked him if he wanted to go bye-bye? His response: grab his shoes, throw them at me and run to the door saying "up mommy, bye bye now". Then he kicks his foot up in the air and says "shoe mommy" *sounds something like "sue mommy". Ha!

This is seriously all from today! There are a few more but nothing as crazy as these. He's getting way too big way too fast. My little guy is definately not a baby anymore. :(


Unknown said...

He really is starting to talk a lot! They aren't babies anymore. It's sad, but cool to see all they can do and how they are learning.

Anonymous said...

Those are all so stinkin' cute !! I love the cheerios thing !! LOL .... I dont know if you have ever heard me mention my Nikolas's masterpiece of " Rhea is Poops best friend " ROFL !!!! They do say the funniest things, dont they !?
Catch up witcha soon girl !
Jenn :)

bruinbr said...

what a cutie! love that he went after those yogurt cheerios! too cute!