Today was a big day around here. Little Man had an appointment with his orthopedic surgeon, just a recheck of his hips. For those of you that may not know Ari was born with hip dysplasia. Specifically Congenital Subluxatable Hip Dysplasia which means that the soft tissue that holds a normal newborn hip in place did not exist in his little body at birth. It is genentic and more common in firstborn males so Ari had a triple whammy. Luckily we have a phenomonal pediatrician that caught it at birth and we were able to treat it immediately. He spent several weeks in a Pavlik Harness and as of this morning he is perfect and healed! Wearing the harness allows the hips to be stable and held in place allowing that soft tissue to grow and heal his bones into place. Xrays confirmed healthy hip tissue this morning, I was able to see todays scan next to one from his six month appointment and the difference is unbeleiveable. Here's a picture of little man in his harness, now if you ever see one out and about you know what it is and don't have to stare (hint, hint)
Gosh, look how tiny and adorable. Can you believe that he's two now? More on that later. After the all clear from his hip doctor we headed to his occupational therapy evaluation. He is currently seeing a speech therapist to help with is oral texture aversion. He's been diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder (click on it for more info, easier than typing it all out here) and will need therapy for a while to overcome his issues. The main concern that prompted our request for evaluation is his diet, he's only eaten the same handful of foods for almost 14 months now and refuses to try anything new. When, on the sparse occasion he does try something new 99% of the time he gags and/or throws up and that's just not normal. We've made significant progress already and I can only imagine that with both Speech and Occupational therapy that he will be perfect in no time. OK, he's pretty much perfect already but what can I say, I'm biased. Anyway, his OT eval... it went very well. He will need OT weekly as well but it's worth it, we have the means and opportunity to help him so why not?
So, big day! Good thing I feel really good today! Maybe I'm rounding a corner (knock on wood, really hard) or maybe it's just dumb luck.
I know I've been MIA lately, sorry for that. So much has been going on and I've been feeling so icky that I really wanted to reserve my energy for my guys. As you know Ari turned two about a week and a half ago! Two years ago I was cuddling my teeny tiny brand new baby boy. I can't believe how much has changed in two years. We have a little man now, he's so smart I can't get over it. His therapists are amazed with his knowledge base. He really is very smart, Matt and I are amazed each and every day. We are so in love with our little boy and can't wait to welcome another bundle into our amazing world. Here are pictures from the day he was born, his first birthday and his second.
So, that's that! We're caught up in a whirlwind of semi-unstable two year old behavior and semi-unstable crazy pregnant woman hormones. You can imagine what it's like to be here, haha. It is pretty wonderful though, most days at least and I just need to remember that when I'm lying on the bathroom floor too nauseous to move. Wish me luck on Wednesday, I'll let you know how it goes!